Terms & Conditions

The terms and conditions for MyNet products and services are listed below. The terms and conditions on this site are valid at the date of your order for this service and may be printed.

Terms of Agreement

  1.  A 30 day notice period is required for cancellation meaning any invoices recurring on this account within 30 days of cancellation must be paid in full. Cancellations must be made in writing by email directly to contact@mynet.ie referencing the account number.
  2. If I have filled out this application on behalf of a company, I agree that I have the authority to enter contractual relations on behalf of this company with MyNET Irish Internet Provider.
  3. I agree to pay all charges relating to my internet connection i.e. Installation and First month upfront and any bank fees/charges incurred if payment fails.
  4. Upon the termination of this agreement, Mynet will return to the client’s property to collect router(s) and antenna which is property of Mynet.
  5. Installation charges are to be paid on day of installation.
  6. Installation charges will only be returned to the customer if the customer has no signal after installation. Notice of this needs to be given by 14th day after installation to Mynet.

Fee Disclaimer:

  1. I agree to pay any charges applied for resetting the router.
  2. I agree to the €5.00 nondirect debit fee when not choosing this option.
  3. I acknowledge the €10.00 failed direct debit charge that will be applied to my account in case of a missed payment.